The Importance of Mindful Leadership in Business

Mindfulness is not just a buzzword created to gain following and notoriety. Mindfulness is indeed a real thing.  If you do not particularly like the word mindfulness, let’s use another word that perhaps you may find more acceptable. That word is awareness.  In essence, mindfulness is awareness of the here and now. The given present moment. The ability to be aware of what is taking place, but staying attentive to how you’re dealing with stress, anxiety, worry and fear. As a leader, business owner, supervisor, or manager it will be essential that you gain an understanding of mindfulness in your day-to-day operations.

There are 3 key takeaways for you to consider if you wish to incorporate a more mindful practice into your leadership skills. Being aware and staying mindful can help you remain grounded in stressful situations. You know in your daily work with customers and staff, that stressful situations will arise. Mindfulness gives you the opportunity to manage your thoughts and your attitudes.

1. Remaining Open and Present: 

When you lead in a mindful way you create the ability for you to stay open in your thoughts, attitudes, directives, and decisions. Open mindedness comes from a better understanding of yourself and of others. When we are closed minded, we lack the ability to see things from someone else’s perspective. As a strong leader, who is open minded, you will be able to better understand your staff and the different skill sets they bring to your business. Staying open and present helps to relax your thoughts. Mindful presence lessens stress and anxiety for you as well.

2.  Enhancing Connections:

Being mindful in your leadership can enhance the connections you have with your staff and your customers. In this way, your connections may become more enhanced for the greater good of the business or organization. For example, when you are connected to your staff in their daily endeavors, they will believe that you truly care about them. They will give back what they receive. It is not about leading with an iron fist, using your position of power to get what you want. You have the power to help your staff believe in what they can do each day. Believing in themselves and believing in the mission of the business.

 3. Inspiring Action and Growth:

Leading from a place of compassion and understanding will ensure your team to act and continue to grow professionally. Inspiration comes from positive leadership. We can never expect growth and inspiration to come from a dictatorship, or a commanding authoritative position. This does not mean you may not have to make hard, fast decisions about the business or your teams.  When you must make tough decisions, this is part of leadership. No one can take that responsibility from you, but you can enhance your skills, so those decisions have less of a negative impact on you and ultimately on your team.

As a leader, manager, business owner or supervisor, it is essential that you take care of yourself as well. Staying mindfully aware of your limitations, your stress level, and your anxiety will allow you the chance to step away and engage some good self-care.  There is nothing selfish about self-care. You need it to keep a balanced focus on your day-to-day life. Lead mindfully and watch what happens. I guarantee the benefits will pay off!

“Being a leader is not about you. It is about the people that are on your team and how to help them be successful” - Susan Vobejda


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