Special Places and Sacred Spaces

One of my most special and sacred places is Sedona, Arizona. It is a place I fondly remember from childhood. The beautiful red rocks, the canyons, and the spiritual aura are abundant. I continue to hold Sedona close in my heart as an adult. It is a place to which I will return, physically and mentally. It is one of my sacred spaces.

Being able to cherish special places and sacred spaces is essential to our emotional well-being. A special or sacred place can help us feel calm and connected to ourselves. It can also help us escape everyday stressful life.

Your special or sacred space may be geographical, like Sedona. It may be a place where you spent time with loved ones. It may also be an image, a memory of something that brings peace to your soul. Energizing you. Calming.

We can create special places within our own lives each day. Perhaps it is a garden space or a quiet nook in a room of your house. I encourage my clients to create a place of “sanctuary” in their own homes. This should be a place of calming surroundings. A place to reflect, re-group, and re-energize. Special places may also allow the possibility to create new goals. Set new paths of discovery.

When we take time out of our daily lives, to think and refocus, we can find incredible energy to move forward with our hopes and aspirations. This can be a meditative time for reflection.

Where are your special places? What is your sacred space? If you do not know, take some time to find out. You may be pleasantly surprised at how you feel once you do.


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