To The Naysayers

To the naysayers, the doubters, the tread on others

The selfish, the pot stirrers and the self-righteous

You are not my guiding force

To the non-compassionate, non-caring minds

The angry and blaming finger pointers

You do not determine my behavior

To the narrow minded promoters, the cynics and complainers

The scoffers and the "I told you so" reminders

You do not enter into my dreams or goals

To the rigid, unaccepting and closed minded pessimists

The non-empathic rivals of beautiful emotion

You are not allowed into my heart and soul

For knowing I have the power to move past the ugly aura

You so frequently give off

Tells me I am on the right path

My path

The path to freedom from anything or anyone that would darkly color

My mind, my spirit, my heart

I am one with myself

Beth Hall


Drifting in the Sea of Change 


The Work of a Life Coach