The Splendor of the Changing Seasons

My Personal Season

When I first came to the Midwest, it was the Fall of 1977. I immediately fell in love with the autumn season. I grew up in various places across the United States including Georgia, Kentucky, Arizona, and New Mexico. The Midwest colors of fall captured my heart. It was then, as it is now, my favorite season.

I often hear many people say they dislike fall because it reminds them of the dreaded winter not far off. In my viewpoint, fall season does not last long enough. The oranges, reds, and yellows of the landscape are gone in the blink of an eye. Vibrancy fades.

When I look at the changing seasons, I am reminded of how life changes with each passing moon and tide. I believe we cannot deny our connection with nature and the world around us. The smells, the tastes, the sun and moon of each season is reflective within the months and weeks of Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter. As it is also with our lives.

Spring is new birth and new beginnings. Energy and freshness abound. Summer celebrates the energy of the sun. Playing and living in each moment of daylight. Fall creates an awareness of the changes ahead. The colors of warmth and abundance. Winter is filled with silent and reflective time. The quiet of the snowfall. Hope in the darkness and cold.

Ebb and Flow

Our lives ebb and flow, just like the seasons. One season of our life, we may wake up and contemplate, “What is my purpose and how can I find deeper meaning.” When we are asking ourselves this question, we are ready to find a new balance in our lives and possibly move into a new season of change, growth, and fulfillment.

Seasons of Life

There have many seasons of change in my own life. Joy. Sorrow. Loneliness. Failure. Success. I am thankful for each of them. Without them, I would not gain wisdom and strength to believe in myself. Believe that each season is teaching me something. I consciously pay attention as a student of life.

Henry David Thoreau wrote, ”The seasons and all their changes are in me.” He believed the seasons represented our lives, the changes, the aging, the years, the months, the weeks, and the days. It is within those seasons where we can make changes. Where we can ponder new ideas, and beautiful dreams become a reality. Learn and grow. Mark your season of change.

“Live in each season as it passes; breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit, and resign yourself to the influence of the earth.” - Henry David Thoreau


What Do You Want to Be When You Grow Up?