Becoming Real

Nothing personifies the idea of being real quite like the childhood story of The Velveteen Rabbit. The stuffed rabbit who became authentic at the risk of being tossed aside. He embraced all that he was in order to be seen and loved. It changed his reality.

In the words of the Skin Horse, “Generally, by the time you are Real, most of your hair has been loved off, and your eyes drop out and you get loose in the joints and very shabby.

But these things don’t matter at all, because once you are Real you can’t be ugly, except to people who don’t understand.”

Critics Will Speak Loudly

Becoming real is about being vulnerable. To be vulnerable is the most enduring human quality, because we risk emotional penalty by doing so. In risking emotional penalty, we also risk hearing the adversaries reflect their thoughts. Knowing that others may not approve—but showing your true essence anyway—is important for deeper self-discovery. Others may judge us, or dissuade us in our journey, or abuse the trust we place in them and in ourselves.

Be Willing to Be Transparent

The hardest part of being vulnerable is risking rejection. If I show them who I really am, they will not love me. If I show them what I truly need, they will run away. If I expose my dreams and ambitions, they will judge. Rejection is part of being vulnerable. Often, we apologize for what we need. We do not open up easily. We question if people like us. Our thoughts, feelings, challenges, dreams and weaknesses are hidden. Yet, transparency builds trust.

Build your Inner Fortress

Remain strong in who you are and your confidence. Building our confidence increases our ability to be vulnerable with others. We must trust ourselves. We must learn to trust others, even if we have been hurt in the past. Being vulnerable is about taking down the shield of secrecy about who you are, and in a deeper sense, to be clearly seen on the surface and below. You truly have nothing to hide once you become real.


Change and Transformation


Drifting in the Sea of Change