3 Ways to Identify Your Strengths

It is not uncommon for many of my clients to fall short in being able to identify their strengths. We have been conditioned, no programmed, in our lives to focus on the negative things. Our weaknesses. Our shortcomings. Our faults. While all of us have weaknesses, we also have strengths.

Understanding what strengths are can help us better identify them in ourselves. A strength can be something you are good at doing. It can be something you have passion for or there is energy that surrounds it. A strength can be something that benefits you, and at times, benefits others as well. A strength can be the way you prevail when the world turns upside down.

1. Why do we focus on the negative?

Our childhood experiences may have shaped us into focusing on the negative parts of ourselves. A child who is never good enough in school or sports may carry these negative feelings into adulthood. A teenager who struggles with self-esteem may have a hard time identifying the strengths they have and putting them to use. As adults, our negative experiences can hinder our ability to find our strengths, or discover new ones. Death, divorce, job loss, mental health concerns and more will impact how we feel about ourselves. In turn, this may impact our energy and negate our strengths. Perhaps during your last performance review at work, your boss labeled all the things you are doing wrong, and forgot to focus on what you were doing well. All the negative, all the bad, will create this mindset of negative thinking, and forgetting what we do best. Forgetting our strengths.

2. How to discover your strengths

At times we can be our own worst enemy. We get caught up in all the conflict of our lives and forget to focus on the best parts of ourselves. One of the best indicators of our strengths is to listen to what others say about us. Do they tell us we are strong and capable? Do they tell us we are a great Mom or Dad? Do they tell us how much they love our company and our smile? Do they tell us the things we are good at doing or creating? This is a starting point in the journey to identify your strengths. Of course, we have to trust others and believe they are telling us genuine truth. Other strengths we have, but can fail to notice are: kindness, compassion, empathy, dependability, trustworthiness, honesty, thoughtfulness, intelligence, and helpfulness. Only a few, but certainly a start. Discovering your strengths can take time. Reflect and contemplate who you are and what speaks to you.

3. Finding the best parts of ourselves

Sometimes in the hardest and darkest days, we dig into our strengths. We dig into our resiliency and focus. This is not always easy for us to do. Our mind wants us to hang around in the muck and mire of our thoughts. But, you are worth far more than that. Keep learning. Keep moving forward, even if it’s small steps ahead. Step out of your comfort zone and discover yourself. When we know who we are and what we offer to this world, unbridled and strong, we will achieve success and find happiness.

My coaching clients come to me to help them discover their strengths and put them to use to find success in life, in work, and in relationships. Reach out to me today and receive a FREE coaching consultation session. You will not regret it!

“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom” - Aristotle


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